Safety & CBRN risk management

CFD modeling, after having contributed to the growth of industry since the early 1990s, is used today to improve the resilience of urban areas, industrial sites and critical infrastructures  such as train stations, airports, subway stations, etc. With appropriate models, CFD simulation of nuclear, biological and chemical agents (CBRN) dispersions allows to optimize alerts and countermeasure devices.

Health risk management

CFD modeling of dispersion of all kinds of chemical or bacteriological pollutants (gas, particles, dust, pollen, virus) allows analyzing their spatial distribution in 3D infrastructures and optimizing the design of HVAC systems for example in underground environments (car parks, train stations, subway), offices and factories (smoke, dust vectors of diseases), hospitals and public transports  (infectious), nurseries, etc.


The tools we use are developed under QA and have been extensively validated. They are able to simulate accurately indoor or outdoor environments . Models we have developed add them the following features :

  • transport and deposit of aerosols
  • light or heavy gases
  • effects of moving trains on flows and pollutant clouds
  • sensors of various kinds (points sensors, laser barriers, 3D cameras)
  • alerts and countermeasures systems (C2)
  • import of GIS data
  • import of weather data

Our offer
  • CFD simulations of indoor or outdoors scenarios
  • Simulations of Nuclear, Chemical or Biological (CBRN) dispersions
  • Simulations of pollutants (pollen, virus, dust, etc.) dispersions
  • Customization of open-source softwares
  • Development of automated workflows of simulation

Feel free to contact us for a technical proposal adapted to your needs!